10 interesting facts about tomatoes

Tomatoes not only have excellent taste, but they are also healthy due to their rich composition. The Italians call tomatoes golden apples, and the French call them fruits of love. Tomatoes appeared in Russia in the 18th century and were received with distrust, but now they have taken pride of place on our table. We will tell you 10 interesting facts about tomatoes, and if you have anything to add, be sure to leave your comment under this post!

1- Tomatoes contain the hormone of happiness and are an antidepressant

Tomatoes contain the hormone of happiness and are an antidepressant

Tomatoes contain serotonin, called the hormone of happiness, and thiamine, an anti-neuritis vitamin, which is already converted into serotonin in the human body. Therefore, tomatoes, especially pink ones, calm the nervous system.

2- Tomatoes have long been considered inedible and even poisonous.

Tomatoes have long been considered inedible and even poisonous

European gardeners bred them as an exotic ornamental plant. In France, they were planted around gazebos. In Dutch books of the 16th century, tomatoes are mentioned as a decoration for the gardens of Antwerp. In England, they grew tomatoes in greenhouses.

3- Most tomatoes are grown in China

Most tomatoes are grown in China

China grows 16% of the world’s tomato production.

4- Tomatoes do not contain cholesterol

Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a very strong antioxidant. Consuming it prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

5- It is not advisable to store tomatoes in the refrigerator

Low temperatures have a detrimental effect on tomatoes and their beneficial properties. Therefore, it is better to store tomatoes in a dark, ventilated place.

6- 100 g of red tomatoes – only 20 kilocalories

Tomatoes are considered a low-calorie product and are often included in the diet.

7- The smallest tomato is less than 2 cm in diameter

The smallest tomato is less than 2 cm in diameter

The world’s largest tomato weighing 2.9 kg was obtained in the US state of Wisconsin.

8- Tomato juice contains more than 20 vitamins

Tomato juice contains more than 20 vitamins

One glass of tomato juice contains half the daily requirement of vitamin C and provitamin A, which actively support the immune system.

9- 95% of a tomato’s weight is water

At the same time, tomatoes retain their beneficial properties and saturate the body with vitamins and microelements.

10- Tomatoes are used in making cosmetics

Tomatoes are used in making cosmetics

Tomato oil is widely used in the production of natural cosmetics, stabilizing and preserving the components in the composition. The scents of tomatoes and their leaves are used in perfumery.

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